Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deductive Reasoning

Syllogisms make a generalization then state a subject and based on the generalization a conclusion is made about the subject this is less clear than what is presented in Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens in these representation of deductive reasoning it is much more straight forward and easier to conlclude. A Modus Ponen says if p then q, it states that if something is true about one thing it is true about another Ex. if i someone is Breathing, then they are alive. this is a very easy conclusion to make for example you could say that this means i am breating so i am alive. this is similar to Modus Tollens whis say if not p then not q, the difference is that in this the premise is false instead of true. in this example the conclusion is just as easy to make
ex. if i someone is not breathing then they are not alive
a conclusion could be "if George is not breathing then he is not alive"
Modus Tollens and Modus Ponens are very similar and are easy to tell apart becasue one is positive and one negative.

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